Servant's Labradors



If you desire to purchase a Labrador Retriever puppy or adult Lab from Servant's Labradors or you desire to be put on a waiting list  please read all of this web page and follow the instruction below.  If you like to place a deposit on a puppy or adult Lab do this questionnaire and wait for a response from Servant for a ok to place a deposit. 

Put in the message box below information about the home life style and activities a Lab puppy or a adult Lab will have with you and your family.

Put in information such as:

Will your puppy be a indoor dog, outdoor dog or both? Size of yard? What kind of fence?

Do you have children (how many and their age)? Also adult age?

Let it be known if you have a current pet and type.

Tell about your experience and knowledge of the Labrador or dogs in general.

Also were do you plan to let your Labrador to sleep at night? Such as in the home, dog bed, in a crate, yard, the garage (in a crate or on the floor), or kennel outside. 

How many hours will your Lab be left alone during the day? How much time do you have for a Labrador each day?

Let it be known your training plans and activities for the puppy such as crate training, basic training, sport (hunting) etc. 

Also indicate color black or yellow Lab.  Please let it be known the gender you want male or female.  If color and gender do not matter let that be known. 

You also need to agree to the fact you need to spay or neuter your Labrador.

All Lab puppies and adult Labs are sold as companion pets and on limited registrations. please click on links for more information.


Submit Form

Servant's Labradors puppies and adult dogs need to land into
committed homes with knowledgeable people who will love them as a individual for their life time and screening of future homes it's a must. 

If you want a puppy or adult Lab do answer all the above questions, it is very important to know the life style which these puppies or adult Labs will live, thank you for your time and understanding.

Thank you for your inquire.

Note: Servant's Labradors reserves the right to refuse a sale of it's Labrador puppies or adult dogs to anyone.  Keep in mind this kennel puts it's puppies and adult dogs well being first and it's customers desire of purchase second.

My Labradors Litter Announcement Dog Supplement About Us

To locate Servant's Labrador Retriever kennel,
click here for

"A member of The National Labrador Retriever Club"

Office Hours


"Home of the Labrador Retrievers"

Last update May 24, 2010

Note: Chocolate Labradors will be available in the near future.