Hell is the home for the devils, demons, and sinners,
Will you be there
after you die?
And will you be able to Handle Hell?
Ask yourself these questions to find out, that is if you dare...
(If you have a problem with answering these questions than you will not be able to handle Hell)
1. Can you take a hammer to the big toe, if someone bang it with one?
(This sounds like a strange question... but think about it... could you handle this kind of pain??? Hell is far worst)
2. Can you die of CANCER or AIDS?
3. Do you like the idea of living with evil people forever?
4. Do you like non stop pain?
5. Can you handle your soul burning with fire with no way to stop it?
6. Do you think you will like living with haters of men and haters of God forever?
7. Do you like the idea of not living with God after your life is over here on earth?
8. Do you like total darkness forever?
9. Do you like the idea of living with a evil spirit like Satan and others like him for every?
The pain of living in Hell is far greater than any of these listed pain...
If you are unable to say yes to anyone of these questions than you will not be able to handle HELL at all.
Hell is a place were pain is on going and where all kinds of evil people live void of God. Hell is a place of unquenchable fire and total darkness... Hell is a place of suffering and separation from God, and it is for eternity and not for a period of time.
So think about it can you handle living in Hell forever?
So how can a person avoid going to Hell?
Face the truth about yourself that you have sinned against God and man and than ask God to forgive you of all your sins and you need to forgive other who sinned against you and you will be forgiven...
All a person has to do is simple ask God to forgive them for all of their sins and just invite God and Jesus Christ into your heart and life... And ask God to help you to do what is right in His eyes... Plus start reading the bible, this is God's tool to direct you in a walk with Him... Find a local church were they teach from the bible and where the preacher is preaching to your heart.
Please Read
"Sharing God's Love"-------------------------
Some good websites to visit like "InTouch" http://www.intouch.org/broadcast/this-week-on-tv
Other Christian Links : Parsons Bible Study Software :
Teen Mania Ministries: The Official Promise Keepers Website
A Good Place to Buy a Bible
Last update October 12, 2012