Summer is a beautiful cream girl and she is a Labrador from English and American show lines. Both of her parents pedigree are full of famous Labradors. Her mother Flash's father is a import form England and he is CH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley CD is a import from England, he earned his American show title with AKC and his father is a English show champion name Eng. CH Sandyland Gad-About. Her father is a show champion and his dad also and he is CH Dickendall Davaron Gable a handsome black Labrador.
The famous show champions in her lines are ENG. SH. CH. Sandylands Gad-About, Eng. CH Sandylands My Guy, AM CH Marshland's Blitz, and a well known boy name AM CH Mandigo's Bruiser of Woodstock. And a famous Labrador I love the most in her lines is a English boy named "Vanny" and his full name title is "International/World ENG. FR. AM. CAN CH. Sandland Rip Van Winkle".
Their show achievements are that of AKC, International, and World Champion. You will see other titles such as
CD (companion dog), CDX (companion dog excellent), CGC (canine good citizen), SH, and WC... Just some amazing Labradors in her lines...
Her Hips at 21 months OFA Prelims "Excellent", Elbows
CERF "Normal," Eyes PRA "Clear" by her parents since they
both are clear.
Summer's Pictures
Last up date December 15, 2011